Live Cultures

Tired of buy always something that you can create at home, but, you are still missing the most important piece, the starter kit. Here you will find starters to make sourdought bread and kefir ( milk based ).

sourdough starter

Sourdough Starter

This is our sourdough starter, it has been alive for the last 4 years, making beautifull and really tasting things like you can see here.If you are interested on it, just send us an email to [email protected] to organize the delivery to your place. We only do deliveries around Hobart.



Kefir grains

This is our other family member, it has been with us one year for now and it is making delicious milk based kefir.If you are interested on it, just send us an email to [email protected] to organize the delivery to your place. We only do deliveries around Hobart.



Kombucha Scoby

Comming soon